Benefits of Apple Fruit and Juice

Benefits of Apple Fruit and Juice

Who is not familiar with this one fruit. Apple is very easy to find both in traditional markets and in famous supermarkets. It feels good to make anyone who tastes this fruit is addicted.

Behind its delicious taste and its charming appearance, apples store a very useful nutrient for our body. This is because the apple contains a very high nutrient. Nutrients contained in apples include protein, fat, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, fiber, iron, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, water, niacin, and potassium.

Apples also contain chemical compounds that play an important role for health maintenance and prevention of various types of diseases. By consuming apple juice regularly, our body will get all the benefits of various nutrients contained in the apple. Intrigued by the efficacy of the fruit, read on down.

Various Benefits of Apple Juice

• High fiber content in apples is very useful for digestion. High fiber levels are also able to delay the arrival of hunger so that apples are very good consumed by those who want to lose weight.

• Vitamin A in apples is beneficial for maintaining eye health and curing influenza.

• Vitamin B and C in this fruit is beneficial for bone formation and maintains healthy nerves.

• Apples contain phytochemicals, pectins, and D-glasurite acids that are shown to effectively lower levels of bad cholesterol in the body.

• Flavonoids contained in apples are beneficial to reduce the risk of lung and colon cancer.

• Flavonoids are also useful for preventing heart disease and stroke.

• Apples contain tannins that are useful for maintaining healthy teeth.

• For women who have entered menopause, boron in apples is very useful to maintain levels of estrogen in the body, which is useful to reduce various health problems due to hormonal imbalance such as osteoporosis, heart disease, pain, and depression.

• Potassium content in the apple helps to regulate blood pressure.

• Consumption of fresh apples can prevent the emergence of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

• Efficacious as a drug diabetes mellitus. One medium-sized apple split into four sections. Then, boiled with 3 to 4 cups water to boiling water and 2 glasses live. This boiled water is taken every morning and afternoon. This treatment should be done regularly.

• Efficacious as diarrhea. To treat diarrhea, take an apple that has not been so ripe, then eaten.



Here's how to make apple juice is very good for the health of the body.

1. Take 2 fresh Apples

2. wash out

3. Cut into pieces then put in the blender

4. Combine the syrup for flavor, honey and boiled water to taste

5. Blend until smooth

6. Pour in a glass and add shaved ice and sweetened condensed milk

7. Apple juice is ready to drink.


To make apple juice provide the following ingredients:

• Apples are still fresh 3 pieces

• 3 oranges, just take the juice

• Sugar or honey ash 1 tbsp

• 6 tbsp cream milk

• iced ice shavings to taste

How to make :

1. Wash the apple until it is clean and cut into pieces for easy smoothing process later

2.Then the blender, apple chips together with extra orange juice, sugar and milk until smooth and slippery

3. When finished. Pour the juice in a gorgeous glass

4 Serve apple juice with ice cubes on top.
That's some of the benefits and apple juice recipe that is very good for your body's health. Apples that we have been consuming it turned out to have a variety of certain properties are very good for the body.

Good luck and keep your health to stay healthy and prime.

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