This application is quite tempting and makes us flowery, how could we not, just by matching the numbers we can get Paypal Dollar coffers.
Many applications are scattered on the Google Play Store, which can make us waste quite a lot of time. Even though if we use that time for things that are more useful, it will produce something that we are aiming for.
The admin has used this application for 1 full month by matching numbers, so that the process of collecting Dollar coffers can be processed more quickly into rupiah currency. but what happened?
When it almost reached $ 499.98, it was odd that the dollar stock was running out. So that the shortfall of $ 0.2 never arrived. We certainly feel sad or disappointed, because we have almost reached the process of disbursing funds.
The developer is cheating by not meeting the dollar stock that has been collected. We have watched thousands of advertisements, day and night we only watch advertisements, so that the disbursement of funds can be carried out
The developer has managed to collect a lot of Dollar coffers from the results we watch the ad. But they don't want to pay a penny for the users of the application. What a behavior that is not worthy of the example.
Maybe, there are already many users out there who feel aggrieved by this application. We hope that the Google play store is more selective in accepting applications of this kind of thing.